In today’s global environment, companies across a wide range of industries are using LEAN principles in their supply chain operations, warehouses, and other departments. By utilizing LEAN your company can improve the quality of it’s product/services and increase productivity across the board by eliminating these 7 types of waste:
1. Over production
2. Waiting
3. Transporting
4. Inappropriate processing
5. Unnecessary inventory
6. Unnecessary or excess motion
7. Defects
To tackle waste using LEAN a company adopts the concept of Kazien or better know as “continuous improvement “. However rather than implementing aggressive programs to eliminate waste, LEAN programs make consistent and incremental improvements over a span of time. These incremental changes compound with time to produce significant gains in quality and performance. In this series of blog posts we will discuss the five principles of lean and how you can use them to eliminate waste in your supply chain.
Five Principles:
1. People Involvement
2. Built-In Quality
3. Standardization
4. Short Lead Time
5. Continuous Improvement.
At Arab Cartage we have over three decades of supply chain and warehousing experience. By choosing us to handle your supply chain and/or warehousing needs your company can hit the ground running by utilizing our experience and streamlined processes.
Call or email Arab Cartage today at 1-800-423-0478 and